Terms & Conditions

of your stay with us

Here at Blatchford Briar we aim to provide relaxed but memorable holidays for you and therefore we endeavour to make as few rules as possible. The ones that we do have in place are for the benefit of all our guests. By accepting these rules you have agreed to abide by them.

1.      Lettings commence from 4.00pm on the day of arrival and terminate at 11.00am on the day of departure. Please give us prior notification should you wish to occupy your cottage outside of these times and we will try to meet your requirements wherever possible.

2.      You and your guests must take due reasonable care of equipment, utensils, furniture and fixtures and fittings in your holiday cottage and also of the amenities of Blatchford Briar throughout the duration of your stay. You are required to leave everything in a clean and tidy condition, to make good all losses and damage, and to report these as soon as possible prior to departure. Any costs of repairs, replacements and exceptional cleaning is payable on demand.

3.      The proprietors reserve the right to terminate the visit of any person whose conduct is deemed to be detrimental to the comfort and enjoyment of other visitors or is otherwise causing a nuisance. The proprietors will recover any compensation they may pay to other guests as a result of such actions.

4.      The hirer of the cottage must be at least 18 years of age.

5.      The use of the holiday property and amenities, including the wood fired hot tub and fire pit/barbeque is entirely at the Hirers risk and no responsibility can be accepted for injury, loss or damage to the Hirer or the Hirer’s guests or their belongings.

6.      Bookings will only be confirmed once a deposit has been received. All deposits are non-refundable. The balance of the total cost of the cottage rental is payable 8 weeks before your arrival.

7.      Cancellation or alteration after the booking must be in writing to the proprietors who will aim to meet your needs. If the proprietors are able to re-let a period booked then any refund of the balance will be subject to a deduction for the administration and advertising costs, and at their discretion. If re-letting is not possible you are liable for the total holiday cost. The Hirer agrees that the Proprietors may charge their debit/credit card for all contractually outstanding amounts. You are strongly recommended to take out appropriate holiday cancellation protection insurance.


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